Sunday, February 7, 2010

On my mind for the day

Hello everyone!
Who all was hoping the Saints would win the Superbowl?! I am a big Ravens fan so I was so excited to see the Colts finally loose. It was a close game but in all honesty I was kind of bored by it. There wasn't much action if you ask me. I wanted more interceptions, sacks, crazy touchdowns, or anything that would have spiced the game up a bit. All in all though I obviously cannot complain considering the team that I was rooting for actually won! Sorry to all you Colts fans.
Another thing that excites me about every Super bowl is all the amazing food there is to eat. I stuffed my face with everything from crab dip to meatballs to cheesecake. I feel like I have gained ten pounds in a couple hours but it was all totally worth it. I ate some at my house and then a lot more at my friends house. There's nothing like watching football and eating good food.
The last thing on my mind is the all the snow. What is up with all the snow?! I am not a winter fan at all. I like snow at Christmas time and then that's about it. After Christmas I am completely done with winter and I want spring to come as soon as possible. I hate the cold and I hate the snow with a passion so it would be my luck that this weekend we got 27 inches of it and on top of it we are supposed to get more this week! In addition to that the dumb little groundhog saw his shadow again which means at least six more weeks of winter. Now I'm not sure if it was just me but did anyone else notice that it was cloudy that day? How the hell did he see his shadow when the sun isn't even out? Ugh, I just want warm weather to come. I want to be outside without wearing a ton of clothes while still being cold. I want to be able to just get in my car and go, not have to wait for it to heat up so my hands don't freeze off. Of course, most importantly, I want to be at the beach and lay next to the wonderful ocean without a care or worry in the world. When will spring be here? Please, say it will be soon.

1 comment:

  1. The team that should have went to the Superbowl was both you favorite and my favorite team the Ravens. But I was so happy to see Peyton throw that interception that put them away. And I don't mind that the Saints won one. Hope you have fun driving in the snow as I will because I have to work six to ten for the next three days no matter how bad it snows.
