Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hey Hey,
So I have come to the conclusion that I hate snow. This is way too much for my liking and I just cannot wait until spring time.
My Valentine's Day was actually alright considering that I worked all day. I made good money for sure but it sucked that I did not have a valentine :(. I did not get chocolate or flowers from anyone. I know that it is not a real holiday and it's actually kind of stupid when you think about but I really like getting those things and I am pretty sure that a lot of the female population out there agrees with me. It is good to be reminded sometimes that you are appreciated and loved by others. So in the end Valentine's day is a good thing because it makes people feel better. Although this year some people must have gotten some real crappy gifts or something because it seemed like everyone out to eat were all kinds of moody and picky. At least it seemed people were more today then usual that's for sure.
You know what really does bother me about serving is the tips that some people leave and how rude people can be. It's like hello, who tips five dollars on an eighty dollar bill? It drives me nuts sometimes to have to put up with peoples pickiness about their food. I have so many outrageous stories about people within the past couple years working at a restaurant it's just ridiculous. I didn't even know people that rude existed! It's like if it's that much of a hassle for you to go out to eat and just relax and have a good time, then please just stay home because I defiantly do not feel like dealing with it.
It blows my mind that people would ever get that rude with the servers and cooks that handle their food in the first place. I mean God only knows what people could and probably do put in some peoples food. I don't even want to think about it. I personally haven't witnessed anything like that but I have heard stories and I just wouldn't even want to take the chance. People should think about that and be a little nicer when out to eat.

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