Tuesday, March 30, 2010

creepy old men

I am a server at one of my jobs and we have regulars that come in. They are three older men that usually come in together and eat. Normally this would not be a problem at all because that is usually what regulars do and those are often the nicest people. This particular group of men though, take being nice to a whole another level. They like to "compliment" all the waitresses that work in there but not in a polite, "oh you look nice today," way. It's like they creepily hit on you hard core and I cannot stand it. I mean these men are at least in their forties or fifties and I'm twenty one. It kind of grosses me out in all honesty. None of the girls there like serving these men. Every time they come in and it isn't my turn to pick up a table I am always relieved. I mean it isn't like I can't handle them and how they act but I just don't want to deal with it at all. What young girl would? I just don't understand why these men think that they would even have some sort of a chance at all. It seriously blows my mind. I just don't understand what they're thinking and how it makes sense to them. It's like unless you're Hugh Heffner, just stop. No girl my age in her right mind would go after a creepy old man that's still married and probably has grandkids running around.
It's like I hope in a way that they just do it to freak us out on purpose just to get a good laugh in when we walk away. I could respect that a little bit more then if they're are actually serious. A lot of the times I don't even know what to say in response to what they say to me. I just laugh uncomfortably and walk away thinking to myself "wtf?" If I wasn't serving them though, I would definitely have a few choice words in response to some of their remarks.
It isn't just the some of the regulars at my work that do this either. I get hit on by creepy old men no matter where I go I feel like. The grocery store especially has some wandering around, lurking in the aisles, and as soon as they spot a pretty young girl they have to open their mouths and say the most outrageous things. In those situations all I can do is laugh in their face and walk away. Seriously, I just don't understand it and I don't think I ever will. Any old man that thinks this is a good idea is an idiot and I have no problem telling them exactly that. It is kind of pathetic in a way to see them stoop to those levels. I mean if you want to strike up a normal adult conversation then ok, but I am not going to just sit there and pretend to like some old man telling me how sexy I look or some shit is something that I enjoy. It is actually on my top list of annoyances and although I know this isn't going to change anytime soon I just hope that all the young men out there know that getting old and acting like these creepers is a gross choice of a lifestyle.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Reading the book "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury, has really caused me to think about our society and what the media does to people on a regular basis. Everything is put out there for people to see on purpose. It's like it is all a game to those big corporate executives. Companies market out products and use advertisements that make people feel bad about themselves and they use those inseccurities to pry on people and sell their products. Because of course, those products are always the best ones to use to make yourself thinner, prettier, more outgoing, ect.
It isn't just marketing products that gets people, it is also the government. The government has been gaining more control over things over the years. For instance, the recently passed health care bill that forces everyone to pay health insurance. It sounds like a good idea but it just makes me wonder where do they get the authority to say that people have to have health insurance. Why, instead of making everyone pay it though taxes, doesn't the government just make the price of insurance lower so more people can afford it.
In all honesty, I am not really into politics. Reading "Fahrenheit 451" though made me feel like I should start paying more attention to it. It is probably people like me, that do not take part in what is going on in our country, that's the reason something like that would ever happen. I am starting to think that following what is going on and taking action and voting would be benifical. What goes on in our government and what they are trying to pass as law should be a concern for everyone.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I've noticed recently the increasing number of people going to rehab for whatever addiction they supposedly have. My question is, is rehab really the answer? There are so many people that choose that root to try and get themselves better. Most of the time though the program is only for thirty days. Now I know that it is said that you need thirty days to kill a habit but then there are so many of those same people that go right back to what they were doing the second they get out. So it's like is this proposed "solution" even really working? In my eyes thirty days is not nearly enough time to get a heroin addict off heroin. It is way to powerful of a drug to kill the addiction in such a short time and I'm sure that it isn't easy with other addictions either. On top of that, a lot of the people going to rehab, especially younger people, are only going because someone else wants them too. In order to change your life you have to want to change. You cannot force a person to do something that they don't really want to do. It will never work out.
So these people are paying hundreds if not thousands of dollars to go to a resort and/or spa like recovery center to try and "help" their addiction when a lot of the time the money and the thiry days is all for nothing. It is just like they went on a month long vacation.
People need to either find a more effective solution to the ridiculous drug problems out there or they just need to let people continue to use and eventually kill themselves. It is their choice and their problem. I don't want to sound unsympathetic towards people with an addiction but at the same time I am tired of letting those people affect my life in anyway. They do not bring good to me, only hurt and let downs.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hey Hey,
So I have come to the conclusion that I hate snow. This is way too much for my liking and I just cannot wait until spring time.
My Valentine's Day was actually alright considering that I worked all day. I made good money for sure but it sucked that I did not have a valentine :(. I did not get chocolate or flowers from anyone. I know that it is not a real holiday and it's actually kind of stupid when you think about but I really like getting those things and I am pretty sure that a lot of the female population out there agrees with me. It is good to be reminded sometimes that you are appreciated and loved by others. So in the end Valentine's day is a good thing because it makes people feel better. Although this year some people must have gotten some real crappy gifts or something because it seemed like everyone out to eat were all kinds of moody and picky. At least it seemed people were more today then usual that's for sure.
You know what really does bother me about serving is the tips that some people leave and how rude people can be. It's like hello, who tips five dollars on an eighty dollar bill? It drives me nuts sometimes to have to put up with peoples pickiness about their food. I have so many outrageous stories about people within the past couple years working at a restaurant it's just ridiculous. I didn't even know people that rude existed! It's like if it's that much of a hassle for you to go out to eat and just relax and have a good time, then please just stay home because I defiantly do not feel like dealing with it.
It blows my mind that people would ever get that rude with the servers and cooks that handle their food in the first place. I mean God only knows what people could and probably do put in some peoples food. I don't even want to think about it. I personally haven't witnessed anything like that but I have heard stories and I just wouldn't even want to take the chance. People should think about that and be a little nicer when out to eat.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

On my mind for the day

Hello everyone!
Who all was hoping the Saints would win the Superbowl?! I am a big Ravens fan so I was so excited to see the Colts finally loose. It was a close game but in all honesty I was kind of bored by it. There wasn't much action if you ask me. I wanted more interceptions, sacks, crazy touchdowns, or anything that would have spiced the game up a bit. All in all though I obviously cannot complain considering the team that I was rooting for actually won! Sorry to all you Colts fans.
Another thing that excites me about every Super bowl is all the amazing food there is to eat. I stuffed my face with everything from crab dip to meatballs to cheesecake. I feel like I have gained ten pounds in a couple hours but it was all totally worth it. I ate some at my house and then a lot more at my friends house. There's nothing like watching football and eating good food.
The last thing on my mind is the all the snow. What is up with all the snow?! I am not a winter fan at all. I like snow at Christmas time and then that's about it. After Christmas I am completely done with winter and I want spring to come as soon as possible. I hate the cold and I hate the snow with a passion so it would be my luck that this weekend we got 27 inches of it and on top of it we are supposed to get more this week! In addition to that the dumb little groundhog saw his shadow again which means at least six more weeks of winter. Now I'm not sure if it was just me but did anyone else notice that it was cloudy that day? How the hell did he see his shadow when the sun isn't even out? Ugh, I just want warm weather to come. I want to be outside without wearing a ton of clothes while still being cold. I want to be able to just get in my car and go, not have to wait for it to heat up so my hands don't freeze off. Of course, most importantly, I want to be at the beach and lay next to the wonderful ocean without a care or worry in the world. When will spring be here? Please, say it will be soon.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I never thought in my life that I would ever have to go visit someone in jail. The thought of sitting in that sticky little waiting room and then talking on the thick black phones through glass not only grosses me out but it also freaks me out. Just looking at the outside of the building with the barb wire fence makes me not want to even go near it. Unfortunately now though, I'm going to have to.
One of my best friends gets sentenced today in court. She got into a car crash over a year ago and killed a passenger of another car. I feel so badly for her because she's already so torn up about what happened in the first place that jail time doesn't even seem necessary. She isn't the same person and hasn't been the same since the accident. I read articles about the crash and it makes me so angry that people are making her out to be such a horrible person. Yes, what she did was wrong and I feel terrible for the family of the person that was killed and yes, she should face the consequences but in a sense she's been facing what she did ever since it happened. Anyone that knew her before all this knew that she was such a nice and good person. She would have done anything for her friends and family. She was great to be around and always made me laugh, but it isn't like that anymore. All it took was one careless mistake and now she's going to pay for it for the rest of her life. Even if her jail time is the minimum amount she's still going to pay for it with the guilt she has to live with. It makes me feel so helpless to know that there is nothing I can do to make it better for her. There's nothing I can do to change what happened and get my best friend back. All I can do is be there for her today and everyday. I have to try and keep her spirits up and let her know that in time everything will be ok and that she will heal. It makes me want to cry to even think about her in that place in her orange outfit, on the other side of the glass, and with real criminals. I just really hope that she comes out alright and that she doesn't let this tragic experience ruin the rest of her life.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hello world,
This past Monday was finally my 21st birthday. My week sucked but I had my first Atlantic City experience over the weekend and it was a blast. My friends and I went to the Trump Taj Mahal Casino and although I didn't gamble much the casino was absolutely beautiful. They had huge chandeliers that were all throughout the gambling areas and a great little bar area with a dance floor. They also had live dancers and singers on stage. It was probably one of the greatest times I've had in a while. I cannot wait to go back!